It has multifarious manifestations, expressions n conclusions blending in it heterogeneous sweet and sour vivid experiences. We are the sole creature or we can say most beautiful or most opportunistic creation of almighty fortunate enough to lead it. We are altogether billions trillions of powerful minds all across the globe, the most developed brains of all the existing biological species of the planet. Sometimes, it’s strange every single life on the planet has their own set of world, own set of life, sharing some common needs or relationships with the other. But all they have their own expressions illustrated in diverse forms. Every single day there are multiple births and deaths simultaneously growing and diminishing the number of lives. But with deep thoughts when we ponder on over all phenomenons with the birth of every new life, there is formal inception or foundation of fresh bud that has to blossom someday or the other in to fully bloomed flower. Never the less with the full b...