It has multifarious manifestations, expressions n conclusions blending in it heterogeneous sweet and sour vivid experiences. We are the sole creature or we can say most beautiful or most opportunistic creation of almighty fortunate enough to lead it. We are altogether billions trillions of powerful minds all across the globe, the most developed brains of all the existing biological species of the planet. Sometimes, it’s strange every single life on the planet has their own set of world, own set of life, sharing some common needs or relationships with the other. But all they have their own expressions illustrated in diverse forms. Every single day there are multiple births and deaths simultaneously growing and diminishing the number of lives. But with deep thoughts when we ponder on over all phenomenons with the birth of every new life, there is formal inception or foundation of fresh bud that has to blossom someday or the other in to fully bloomed flower. Never the less with the full blossom comes again manifold expressions of life love care dream aspirations anxiety fear bond relations rituals freedom many and too many. Again the same full blossom has to shed all its leaves flowers fruits all the beauteous offerings turning out to into dull hard empty trunks’ but has multiple branches that signifies its magnificent expressions of life. Moreover its roots are strong well grown well diffused, deep rooted as it has undergone indiscriminate assorted experiences.
No matter how many countable years we spend living in our lives .We are often introduced with the fresh new unseen chapter accompanied with numerous unturned, unfolded pages, innumerable untold stories endowed with intense shades and sizes. Every shade has something to render and something to renege. Every size spans into unquestionable time frame which human mental psychology designate as to good and bad. Every time we scout out we are astound to discover its vivid aspects. It’s a strange stance of any human being born on the planet. You are ascertained of one life in one shot with only one game & one name. There may be many histories or myths of multiple lives or multiple births with many reminisce of past and prophecies of future but no one has ever countersigned or substantiated to discover the camouflaged facts. No matter how life turns out to us may be difficult or happy. We as a human-being with the most accomplished genotypic and phenotypic expressions are fundamentally so attuned and potent to conduct it. We all have the experiences of predestined past present and future but again if is it predestined the question is why are we striving so hard in the journey to be fittest. Everything goes futile, all the accomplishments everything what life offers to us keeps no value and importance if our journey to life ends. Life…..How do I explain about it..may be abbreviation of our own lives which itself explains to be Live It as Fittest Entity-that’s the LIFE the better explanation or expression how life acclimatize us to.
Undoubtedly with profound thought this phenomenon of acclimatization is nothing but only more vigorous tolerant absorbed and cultivated reflection of our own expression. The contemplation follows far and wide thin and thick all throughout unpredictable and unforeseeable path to be fittest. In the whole process our mind body and soul may be considered as the sole steers to life to lead it further. The consequences may be bipolar with two extensive and incommensurable extremities. The one may be with beautiful conglomeration of all happy expressions joy name fame money wisdom prosperity elation pride contentment acceptance success. But the other may be with furthermore perplexed expressions of unhappiness sorrow misery dejection rejection disparity displeasure failure regrets guilt fear anxiety. Over and again presuming the whole modus operandi we can eventually conclude our own mind body and soul collectively procreates our expression of life. Basically it’s only inner we who decides our action and expression to life. Life is beautiful when we are happy and content in our niche. But life does not always turns out how we expect it to be.Life of happiness is no longer than lives itself. Every life has certain lifecycle with the radars in our own hand. As after every spring blossom there is season of dull dry scorching summer. Correspondingly the cycle of our lives wheels amidst singular transient and momentary phase. Each fleeting phase has significant remark on our absolute expression as we advance and conquer further from one part to another, through all the difficulties of heat and cold. However many theories are disguised and unexplained with multiple questions popping up. What makes our mind body and soul or if these are different substance or the similar with three different synonyms to same thing. What makes us LIVE-Leading It with Vivid Expressions? What is our body composed of? Where the expressions come from? What do we call soul? How our mind functions? How do we connect our actions to the triangle of body mind and soul? These questions are complex and meaning is profoundly deep and difficult. Albeit all the subdued philosophies and intricate thoughts life goes on and on further. The journey still continues and many more chapters are yet to be added live it foresee it lead it. Its happy life but not always with happy times. That’s my expression my outlook from my perspective walking in my street of life.
Happy Life
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